

Antibiotikaforbruget til dyr falder fortsat
Reduktionen i antibiotikaforbruget til dyr var særlig markant i 2021. Dels på grund af de to tons, der ikke længere bruges til mink, dels fordi antibiotikaforbruget til både svin, fjerkræ og fisk var lavere end året før. Det viser DANMAP-rapporten for 2021 fra Statens Serum Institut og DTU Fødevareinstituttet.

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Antibiotikaresistens i dyr og kød ligger generelt stabilt
Forekomsten af antibiotikaresistens i bakterier fra fødevareproducerende dyr og kød i Danmark var stabilt eller faldende i 2021. Et par bemærkelsesværdige fund af kritisk resistens er dog identificerede, viser den årlige DANMAP-overvågning.

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Antibiotikaforbruget faldt markant under pandemien
Under covid-19-pandemien faldt antibiotikaforbruget ordineret af praktiserende læger markant. Niveauet af antibiotikaresistens faldt også. Det viser nye tal fra Statens Serum Instituts overvågning.

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The consumption of antibiotics in animal production continues to fall
The reduction in antibiotic consumption in animals was particularly marked in 2021. Partly because of the two tonnes that are no longer used for mink, and partly because antibiotic consumption inpigs, poultry and fish was lower than in the previous year. This are some of the findings in this year’s DANMAP report from Statens Serum Institut and the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark.

Read the full press release here (pdf)

Antibiotic resistance in animals and meat is generally stable
The occurrence of antibiotic resistance in bacteria from food-producing animals and meat in Denmark was stable or decreasing in 2021. However, a few notable findings of critical resistances have been identified, the annual DANMAP monitoring shows.

Read the full press release here (pdf)

Consumption of antibiotics dropped significantly during the pandemic
The number of antibiotics prescribed by general practitioners dropped significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The level of antibiotic resistance dropped jointly. These are some of the main findings from DANMAP 2021, the surveillance report issued by the Danish Technical University and Statens Serum Institut.

Read the full press release here (pdf)

10 MAY 2024