

Antallet af invasive infektioner og resistente bakterier stiger stadig

Antallet af invasive infektioner steg til 11.983 tilfælde i 2020. Stigningen ville sandsynligvis have været endnu større, hvis ikke det var for de mange restriktioner på grund af covid-19. Det viser DANMAP 2020-rapporten.

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Forbruget af antibiotika i Danmark faldt yderligere under covid-19
For syvende år i træk er antibiotikaforbruget til mennesker i Danmark faldet. Covid-19 gav faldet et ekstra skub. Det viser DANMAP-rapporten over antibiotikaforbruget i 2020. Bag den står DTU Fødevareinstituttet og Statens Serum Institut (SSI). DANMAP fejrer i år sit 25 års jubilæum.

Læs pressemeddelelsen her (pdf)

Kritisk vigtige antibiotika bruges ikke mere i produktionsdyr
Brugen af 3. og 4 generation cephalosporiner i den danske kvægbranche er ophørt. Dermed bliver stofferne ikke længere brugt i opdræt af danske produktionsdyr. Det viser årets DANMAP-rapport fra Statens Serum Institut og DTU Fødevareinstituttet.

Læs pressemeddelelsen her (pdf)




The number of invasive infections and the number of cases of resistant bacteria is still increasing
The number of invasive infections increased to 11.983 cases in 2020. The increase would probably have been even higher if it were not for the many COVID-19 restrictions, according to the new DANMAP 2020 report.

Read the full press release here (pdf)

Antimicrobial use decreased further in Denmark during COVID-19
Antimicrobial consumption in humans has decreased for the seventh consecutive year in Denmark. The decrease was enhanced by COVID-19. This is shown by the DANMAP report on the consumption of antimicrobial agents in 2020. DTU National Food Institute and Statens Serum Institut (SSI) are behind the report. DANMAP celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.

Read the full press release here (pdf)

Critically important antimicrobials no longer used in livestock
The Danish cattle industry no longer uses third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins. As a result, these substances are no longer used in the production of Danish food producing animals. This is one of the findings in this year’s DANMAP report from Statens Serum Institut and the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark.

Read the full press release here (pdf)

10 MAY 2024