

Forbruget af antibiotika til mennesker falder fortsat i Danmark
For sjette år i træk er antibiotikaforbruget i Danmark faldet. Det viser DANMAP-rapporten over antibiotikaforbruget i 2019. Bag den står DTU Fødevareinstituttet og Statens Serum Institut (SSI).

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Øget overvågning af multiresistente CPO-bakterier i Danmark
I 2019 blev der indført en ny overvågning af antibiotikaresistente carbapenemase-producerende organismer (bakterier af typen CPO) i mennesker. Mens antallet af CPO stiger hos mennesker, er carbapenem-resistens ikke fundet i den danske overvågning af dyr og fødevarer. Det viser resistensovervågningen i Danmark, som DTU Fødevareinstituttet og Statens Serum Institut (SSI) står bag.

Læs pressemeddelelsen her (pdf)

Over ti år har danske svin fået mindre antibiotika, kalve mere
Danske svineproducenter har i 2019 nået MRSA-handlingsplanens mål for et mindsket forbrug af antibiotika. Derimod er forbruget til kalve steget betragteligt gennem de sidste ti år. Det viser årets DANMAP-rapport fra Statens Serum Institut og DTU Fødevareinstituttet.

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The usage of antibiotics for humans keeps decreasing in Denmark
For the sixth year running, the consumption of antibiotics in Denmark has decreased. That is clear from the DANMAP report’s presentation of the antibiotic consumption in 2019. The report was prepared by the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, and Statens Serum Institut (SSI).

Read the full press release here (pdf)

Increased monitoring of multiresistant CPO-bacteria in Denmark
In 2019, the Danish Health Authority added multiresistant carbapenemase-producing bacteria (also called CPO) to their list of notifiable bacteria. While CPO in humans is increasing, carbapenem resistance has never been detected in animals and food in the national antimicrobial surveillance programme, DANMAP.

Read the full press release here (pdf)

In the past ten years, antimicrobial use has decreased in Danish pigs, increased in calves
In 2019, Danish pig producers reached the target for reduction of antimicrobial usage set by the MRSA action plan. In contrast, antimicrobial use in calves has increased considerably over the last ten years. These are some of the findings in this year's DANMAP report from Statens Serum Institut and the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark.

Read the full press release here (pdf)


10 MAY 2024